Monday, June 8, 2009

Chicken or the Egg

Every once in a while I read something in the financial world that just makes sense. This morning the article I read said that;

1) over 70% of our economy is based on consumer spending
2) we have unemployed 9% to 15% of the consumers
3) those dudes and dudetts have definitely stopped spending
4) the left over folks are scared sh$$tless and have stopped spending
5) the government is giving all the cash to the banks who are using it to pump up their balance sheets and they are not lending to the regular folks.

Is it just me or what is wrong with this picture? How does this plan fix anything? Anyway if you want to read it here you go;

Meanwhile back at the ranch lets set our stops on GLD @ 92 and FXF @ 90.5 Good Luck