Thursday, January 28, 2010

You cant fix stupid!

WASHINGTON – Embattled Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke won confirmation for a second term Thursday, but only by the closest vote ever for the crucial post and after withering criticism from lawmakers for bailing out Wall Street while other Americans suffered in recession.

Arrrgh what can I say. They put the guy who never saw it comin back in charge. I gotta get a job in politics. Money for nothin and the chicks for free!

I'm still stickin to my guns on this trade I think there is more downside ahead. Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holding Pattern

The Fed votes to continue to print endless money and the market likes it! I'm not bailing on this trade just yet. We should get lots of drama tonight with the State of the Union speech and I don't think the banks are going to like what they hear. Good Luck!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jack Bauer swindled by cattle rustler!

(AP) STOCKTON, Calif. – Actor Kiefer Sutherland was among cattle customers roped into an alleged scam that netted more than a million dollars.

Prosecutors say Michael Wayne Carr of Linden had agreements to buy steers in Mexico for his customers and sell them for profit in the United States. Carr allegedly took $869,000 from Sutherland, star of the Fox TV show "24," and $177,000 from a New Mexico couple.

Prosecutors say there's no record Carr ever bought the steers.

Quick Chloe get me all the GPS coordinates for my steers. What do you mean steers don't use GPS, DAMN IT DON'T PUSH ME GET ME GPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah we got filled today so lets hope for the bottom to drop out tomorrow since we are shorting the financials. Good Luck!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Run Forrest Run!!!

She is a know predator of powerful black men with lots of money. Is that the national debt in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

If you were wondering where I went I decided not to post anything on days when there aren't any setups, so I just sat back and watched the plunge what fun!

Well we chopped around all day and didn't go much of anywhere but we did come up with a few good setups.

Tomorrow's pick is long SKF @ 24.98 Good luck!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Get off my leg Dude!

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay – Julio Iglesias has a reputation as a famous lover, but he told a concert audience he abandoned his prolific sex life 15 years. During a performance in Punta del Este, Uruguay, he said that when he first performed there at age 24, he was "like a rabbit." The singer added that he had a "superstition, a quirk or whatever, that I couldn't go onstage to sing if I didn't make love first." But the 66-year-old singer says "I gave that up completely 15 years ago."

A bit of a correction today but no good setups for Tuesday so have a great long weekend.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Unemployment grows!

(NYDaily News) Conan O'Brien's last show could come as soon as next week - and Jay Leno may be retaking the helm of the "Tonight Show," two new reports say.

I have to admit I'm a new fan of COCO. I just couldn't get over how the guy looked at first, like the illegitimate child of Carrot Top and Dudley Do-Right. After a while he just grew on me but alas he is soon to be tossed in the dustbin of Hollywood. I guess I will have to settle for banana head Leno instead. Bummer.

We had really good earnings from Intel after hours so expect a pop at the open tomorrow unless thermonuclear war breaks out tonight. My pick is so sweet, long SGG @ 79.12. Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Adrian get me an asprin!

(DailyMail UK) The veteran action hero had emergency surgery and a metal plate inserted in his neck following the accident on the set of The Expendables. He said he stayed at home for three weeks following the injury, which is why he wasn't pictured wearing a neck brace.

The 63-year-old actor was filming wrestling co-star Stone Cold Steve Austin, 45, but it was so realistic that Stallone ended up with a fracture in his neck.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birth of Genius - The Library

(AP) WASHINGTON – An original Rembrandt etching hidden in a bathroom cabinet at a university in Washington is now part of a new exhibit.

Apparently I'm not the only one whom gets their inspirations in that quiet place.

We got a nice correction today all the way back down to support at S&P 1130. Let see if we can break thru ! Tomorrow's pick is SLV long @ 18.28 Good Luck!

Monday, January 11, 2010


NEW YORK – Mark McGwire finally came clean, admitting he used steroids when he broke baseball's home run record in 1998.

Grow up America if you want athletes that continue to crush record after record don't expect to get it from someone who just eats their Wheaties. The competition is too great and the gold ring is tooo big! They will do whatever it takes. And besides I don't give a shit what they are jamming into their bodies to do this, if they can live with protruding uni-brows and tiny testicles who am I to judge, so quit wasting my tax money investigating this crap.

Our trade gapped open above our entry point which invalidated the trade today so I mostly just nodded off at my desk. Nothing looks good for tomorrow so take the day off on me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Just like magic

LAS VEGAS – The company behind the magicJack, the cheap Internet phone gadget that's been heavily promoted on TV, has made a new version of the device that allows free calls from cell phones in the home, in a fashion that's sure to draw protest from cellular carriers.

I love this cool idea. A tiny square plugs into your PC which is on your broadband Internet connection, it calls your cell frequency, you establish the link and whala instant free "cell phone" calls. Where were you guys when my teenage daughter was making calls to "hunks" overseas she found on MySpace! I nearly pooped myself when I got the bill!

Well we are off to a good start with our first trade profitable right out of the box. The market was flat most of the day with a pop near the end. Apparently the lack of any new jobs doesn't matter any more the economy officially runs on air now. My pick for Monday is long XLF @ 15.32 Good Luck!

Cha Ching!

I'm bailing here with a small profit. Another great Waveride to start the year!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


(AP)Beijing had its coldest morning in almost 40 years and its biggest snowfall since 1951. Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap since 1981. And freezing weather is gripping the Deep South, including Florida's orange groves and beaches.

Whatever happened to global warming?

Such weather doesn't seem to fit with warnings from scientists that the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases. But experts say the cold snap doesn't disprove global warming at all — it's just a blip in the long-term heating trend.

You quackentists are cracking me up. Its like the end of the Wizard of Oz with snow. Pay no attention to the blizzard behind the curtain! Sheesh.

Well our pick got filled this morning and did mostly nothing all day. I didn't bail so lets hope we get a pop in the morning. Meanwhile I'm going to outside and enjoy the heatwave while I build my snowman.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Trust Babies

(DailyMail/UK)Tragic heiress Casey Johnson lived her final days in squalor in a rubbish-strewn slum with no electricity, water or gas, and rats in her swimming pool.

Cut off from her family fortune, the 30-year-old Johnson & Johnson scion’s privileged life spiralled out of control into a drug-fuelled hell, according to reports in the U.S.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Where is the beef!

Happy New Year! I thought I would start the year out with a brief review of last years results for the many loyal readers that requested them. A few data points to begin;

1) I didn't start keeping track until about June (I really am lazy).
2) There were many days there were no trades because either our entry wasn't hit or there was no setup.
3) I will continue to post the results of the trades in the "Keeping Track" window at the bottom of the blog (Who knows I may even put together a fancy chart!).

The stats;

1) 85% of the trades were profitable.
2) The largest single trade profit was 9.63%
3) The largest single trade loss was -7.53%
4) The annualized Waveriding profit was 9.5%

As you can see Waveriding is a get rich slow plan but it does work. Many of you have emailed me asking if I would teach a class in Waveriding. I'm thinking about it but it sounds like work and as you know I specialize in lazy trading. Keep the email requests coming and if I detect a ground swell of interest I will consider it, I still have more kids to get through college. As for the rest of you lazy traders just keep shadowing the trades I post and you to will be able to afford the price of a gourmet cheeseburger by the end of the year!

Back in the real world the endless rally continues for no good reason. I'm pretty sure everyone I know bought less stuff this holiday so I am looking forward to how our government will spin those numbers. We are still lurking about at S&P 1130 and I suspect some overstuffed traders are napping at their desks. I give them until the end of this week to digest their holiday glutton fests.

There were no setups today so rest up and we will get back at it again tomorrow.