Monday, January 4, 2010

Where is the beef!

Happy New Year! I thought I would start the year out with a brief review of last years results for the many loyal readers that requested them. A few data points to begin;

1) I didn't start keeping track until about June (I really am lazy).
2) There were many days there were no trades because either our entry wasn't hit or there was no setup.
3) I will continue to post the results of the trades in the "Keeping Track" window at the bottom of the blog (Who knows I may even put together a fancy chart!).

The stats;

1) 85% of the trades were profitable.
2) The largest single trade profit was 9.63%
3) The largest single trade loss was -7.53%
4) The annualized Waveriding profit was 9.5%

As you can see Waveriding is a get rich slow plan but it does work. Many of you have emailed me asking if I would teach a class in Waveriding. I'm thinking about it but it sounds like work and as you know I specialize in lazy trading. Keep the email requests coming and if I detect a ground swell of interest I will consider it, I still have more kids to get through college. As for the rest of you lazy traders just keep shadowing the trades I post and you to will be able to afford the price of a gourmet cheeseburger by the end of the year!

Back in the real world the endless rally continues for no good reason. I'm pretty sure everyone I know bought less stuff this holiday so I am looking forward to how our government will spin those numbers. We are still lurking about at S&P 1130 and I suspect some overstuffed traders are napping at their desks. I give them until the end of this week to digest their holiday glutton fests.

There were no setups today so rest up and we will get back at it again tomorrow.