Thursday, January 7, 2010


(AP)Beijing had its coldest morning in almost 40 years and its biggest snowfall since 1951. Britain is suffering through its longest cold snap since 1981. And freezing weather is gripping the Deep South, including Florida's orange groves and beaches.

Whatever happened to global warming?

Such weather doesn't seem to fit with warnings from scientists that the Earth is warming because of greenhouse gases. But experts say the cold snap doesn't disprove global warming at all — it's just a blip in the long-term heating trend.

You quackentists are cracking me up. Its like the end of the Wizard of Oz with snow. Pay no attention to the blizzard behind the curtain! Sheesh.

Well our pick got filled this morning and did mostly nothing all day. I didn't bail so lets hope we get a pop in the morning. Meanwhile I'm going to outside and enjoy the heatwave while I build my snowman.