Friday, January 8, 2010

Just like magic

LAS VEGAS – The company behind the magicJack, the cheap Internet phone gadget that's been heavily promoted on TV, has made a new version of the device that allows free calls from cell phones in the home, in a fashion that's sure to draw protest from cellular carriers.

I love this cool idea. A tiny square plugs into your PC which is on your broadband Internet connection, it calls your cell frequency, you establish the link and whala instant free "cell phone" calls. Where were you guys when my teenage daughter was making calls to "hunks" overseas she found on MySpace! I nearly pooped myself when I got the bill!

Well we are off to a good start with our first trade profitable right out of the box. The market was flat most of the day with a pop near the end. Apparently the lack of any new jobs doesn't matter any more the economy officially runs on air now. My pick for Monday is long XLF @ 15.32 Good Luck!