Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bean Burritos soon to be illegal!

WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats sidestepped a Republican boycott Thursday, pushing a climate bill out of committee in an early step on a long and contentious road to passage. Other committees still must weigh-in on the measure, but the partisan antics early on threatened to cast a pall over the bill — one of President Barack Obama's top priorities — as it makes its way to the Senate floor and as nations prepare to meet in Copenhagen, Denmark, next month to hammer out a new international treaty to slow climate change.

That's right folks today cow farts, tomorrow my farts! This brings new meaning to the phrase "taxing the shit out of it". Al Gore stands to become the first carbon credit billionaire. Over 90% of the general public think climate change is a fraud yet our so called leaders continue to fritter away our time and money trying to pass legislation supporting this sham. I say kiss my carbon credit generator! Its torch and pitchfork time again!

We did not get filled today and we have no new setups for tomorrow so its Miller time:)