Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mystery eBayer pays millions to sleep with Marlyn Monroe

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – An American widow sold her husband's burial crypt directly on top of film legend Marilyn Monroe's final resting place for $4.6 million on Monday, through online auctioneer eBay Inc.

Which proves my theory that men will pay anything to get into some women's crypts.

An interesting day today, Ben dodges his pink slip, housing prices rise (Not in my neighborhood), unemployment is 10% for the near future (official government number so double it), and the national debt will triple to 9 trillion dollar over the next decade! And the market didn't rally! OMG where is the PPT! Tonight's exercise repack and check your chutes in case they are needed tomorrow. I have one setup long FXA @ 84.41 Good Luck.