Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bubba's N Korean Massage Parlor Trip Finishes With Happy Ending

(Reuters) – Two American journalists freed by North Korea tearfully reunited with their families in the United States on Wednesday while the Obama administration tried to squelch talk of a breakthrough in Washington's ties with Pyongyang. The release was secured by former President Bill Clinton in a meeting on Tuesday with reclusive leader Kim Jong-il, the first high-level U.S. contact with North Korea in nearly a decade.

Oh to be a fly on the wall for that meeting. Clinton "You owe me Kimmy I smuggled all that nuclear technology in to your country during my term, you know how much I love Asian women!" Kim "OK but leave me that box of Crispy Creams"

Yet another day floating around 1000 on the S&P soon the winds of change will blow. Tomorrows pick long IYT @ 66.41 Good Luck.